Gaming Mode PRO – Game Booster PRO Premium Mod Apk PC Download
Gaming Mode PRO Free Download – Game Booster PRO 1.9.11 MOD APK Premium The one and only Gaming Mode app on PlayStore which comes with a nifty set of features to enhance and boost your gaming experience
The one and only Gaming Mode app on Play Store comes with a nifty set of features to enhance and boost your gaming experience. Configure it once and Gaming Mode will automatically do the rest for you. Your ultimate game booster and anti-lag tool.
Main Features :-
- Auto Reject Incoming calls – Our game booster is on your side. Show your skills without interruptions.
- Block notifications – With Game Booster your focus will not be disrupted – pure gaming experience.
- Clear Background Apps to free up RAM & Boost gaming performance – your experience is our highest priority.
- Game Booster – Gaming anti-lag tool – Immediate lag remover!
- Play games at max performance – enhance your gaming experience and unlock maximum FPS!
- Disable auto-brightness & optimize it to your desired level.
- Change WiFi state.
- Change Ringtone & Media Volume.
- Create widgets to launch games directly from your device’s home screen. Your game launcher.
- Enable Auto Mode automatically detects the game/app applies configured settings and reverts it to the original after exiting the game/app.*
- Whitelist apps from notification blocking.
- Whitelist apps to prevent them from getting cleared from the background.
Mod Info :-
- Pro Features (Unlocked)
- Ads (disabled)
- All ads links (removed)
- Most of Analytics (disabled)
- CPUs (Universal)
- Google billing (disabled)
- Screen DPIs (nodpi)
- All debug Info (removed)
- Original Signature (Changed)
Windows 10 Game Mode tested: good for minimum fps, bad for multitasking
Gaming Mode – Game Booster PRO Premium of the new features introduced with the Windows 10 Creators Update is Game Mode, which supposedly provides a better and more consistent gaming experience by altering the allocation of hardware resources when a game is running. That may sound interesting, but in my earlier testing, I found little to no benefit—and a few cases where Game Mode actually dropped performance. Of course, that was with an Insider Preview build, so the public release of the Creators Update ought to be better, right?
Gaming Mode App Turns out, the simple answer is that it’s not substantially different from what I saw before. In most cases, the changes are small and would go unnoticed. But that’s if I’m doing my normal thing while playing games: I close any unnecessary applications sitting in the background and basically free up resources so that the game will run as well as possible. Game Mode in theory works best when you don’t take such measures and simply let the OS handle the dirty work.
Windows do all of this already, and it has been doing so for decades. It’s called multi-tasking, and we’re all familiar with the concept by now. All running processes on your PC have a different priority level. Windows has six priorities: low, below normal, normal, above normal, high, and realtime. Most processes launch at ‘normal’ priority, which means the OS will treat them relatively equally. A process running at a higher priority will get more resources than lower priority tasks, but it will only get those resources if it needs them—so a high or real-time priority process that’s not doing anything won’t bog down your system.
Game Mode changes things in some fuzzy fashion, allocating specific CPU cores to the game and leaving other cores for the remaining processes, and likely altering priority levels. Microsoft is a bit nebulous on what it’s doing right now, and there are ‘planned additions’ to Game Mode in the future.
Right now, my testing shows that Game Mode has some small benefits on a low-end CPU and some disturbing results on a high-end CPU—it killed background video playback on a system that could easily handle playing a game and a video simultaneously with Game Mode disabled.
Setting up Game Mode
Gaming Mode – Game Booster PRO PremiumA quick primer, for the uninitiated. Enabling Game Mode is a two-step process. First, you need to turn it on in the Windows Settings area, but you also need to enable it for each game as well. To do this, open the Windows Game Bar (Win+G) with the game running, and check the “Use Game Mode for this game” box. (FYI, some systems only seem to show the Game Bar if the game is running in a borderless window or windowed mode.) The good news is you don’t need to exit and restart the game—the effect is almost immediate.
Here’s what I did for testing Game Mode this round. I selected two sets of hardware, a high-end Core i7-5930K build and a budget Core i3-7100 build. (Note that I had planned on a ‘midrange’ Ryzen 1600X build to round things out, but after seeing what happened with the high-end and low-end builds, running more tests seemed unnecessary.)
- Fast startup
- Rich software and device ecosystem
- Touch screen support
- Biometric Hello login
- Strong gaming options
- Separate Settings app and legacy control panels
- Few recent major updates with Windows 11 taking over
How do MOD and Install?
- Download Gaming Mode Pro MOD APK
- Now install it on your program.
- After installation is complete, copy and paste the file
- Then paste it into an installation directory
- Done
- Enjoy full version
Gaming Mode – Game Booster PRO Premium Requirements
- 2 GHz Processor
- 2GB of RAM
- HDD space 800MB
- 670-MB installation space required
- Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, and also 10
- MAC OS X 10.8 or later.
Game Mode results
Gaming Mode – Game Booster PRO MOD APK Premium The above doesn’t cause any problems during routine PC use, but what happens when you start playing a game? On the Core, i3 budget build, things went south quickly in most games—not necessarily for the game, but the YouTube video started dropping frames and was clearly compromised, and gaming performance started stuttering a bit as well compared to running lean and clean. On the high-end PC, as you would expect given the hardware, everything continued to run more or less business as usual. For each game, I selected some reasonable settings (1080p medium for the budget system and 1080p ultra for the high-end PC), and tested with and without enabling Game Mode.
Gaming Mode PRO Free Download – Game Booster PRO 1.9.11 MOD APK Premium The one and only Gaming Mode app on PlayStore which comes with a nifty set of features to enhance and boost your gaming experience
The one and only Gaming Mode app on Play Store comes with a nifty set of features to enhance and boost your gaming experience.
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