AOA Always on Display MOD APK v5.9.0 Premium For PC Download
AOA Always on Display v5.9.0 MOD APK Edge Lighting will provide you with information about your notifications, clock, date, and current weather, with edge lighting and much more right on your screen without having to touch your phone or tablet!
Main Features:-
- Samsung One UI always on display theme
- Auto-rotate feature
- Calendar view with events and the ability to add your notes to dates
- Root (Superuser) compatible
- Edge Lighting with custom colours and styles
- Fingerprint Dismiss
- Badge Notifications
- Off-screen sketch pad which allows you to take notes or draw
- Compatible with all screen types such as AMOLED, edge, curved or notched displays
- Curved corners with edge corner adjustment and colour
- View notifications
- Glance Display
- Time Rules
- Clickable notifications icons with hide and dismiss features
- Set icon size
- Over 30 clock watch faces, such as Digital S9, S10, & Note 9
- Current weather information
- Adjust screen bbrightness/alpha HD Backgrounds / Wallpaper
- launcher shortcuts such as calendar, flashlight, home button
- AOD is Fully customizable which allows you to set ccolours icons, styles, font & text size
- Automatic rules which preserve battery life using predefined settings
- AThe automovement which avoids AMOLED burn-in
- Pocket mode which turns off your screen when you place the device in your pocket
- Memo which lets you show sticky notes right on your display
- Particle animation
- Keep sthe creen on, or turn sthe creen off with a timer or while ccharging/discharging Can be used as a night clock
❖Permissions Used❖
- Camera permission
The app uses camera permission to toggle the flashlight - Phone permission
The app needs phone permission to recognize incoming calls, dismiss the app and show incoming calls. - Modify System Settings
The app needs permission to change the device brightness, and set screen timeout for the app. - Note: For Samsung devices; If you get this message when this app activates over lthe ock screen “Touch input is blocked”, then please go to your device Settings -> Display, and uncheck/disable/toggle off “Block accidental touches”. This will allow the app to work as intended and won’t show your bottom navigation bar or give you that warning again.
- Note: For Huawei devices, if you get the navigation buttons showing on the always on display then please go to your device’s settings and search for acci and deactivated Mistouch prevention.
- Note: For Xiaomi devices ,you will need to access the Security App -> Permissions -> Permissions -> AMOLED -> pop-up window permission and Show on Lthe ock screen
Mod Info:-
- Pro / Paid features unlocked;
- Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
- Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
- Ads Permissions / Services / Providers removed from Android. manifest;
- Ads links removed and invoke methods nullified;
- Ads layouts visibility disabled;
- Google Play Store install package check disabled;
- Debug code removed;
- Remove the default .source tags name of the corresponding java files;
- Offline mode – cut off all network traces;
- Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase disabled;
- No active trackers or advertisements;
- Remove the extra donation option from the toolbar menu;
- Languages: Full Multi Languages;
- CPUs: universal architecture;
- Screen DPIs: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
- The original package signature changed;
AOA: Always on Display
AOA Always on Display MOD APK Download Always on Display is an app that displays notifications with a special backlight without you having to tap the phone screen yourself. This includes a variety of notifications, including weather, incoming messages, and more.
The program is unique in that it doesn’t use battery power when you view anything on the screen.
The app also has many interesting features. You’ll be able to see a calendar of events, reply to messages, take notes, and even draw as you walk. Fingerprint or biometric unlocking is available.
This service is compatible with OLED, AMOLED, Land CD screens, suitable for non-standard shapes of devices. You can adjust the brightness of the display and much more.
This is one of the best applications in this category. Try it to see all the vitally important things on the screen of your smartphone.
Another nice thing is the pocket mode. The aim of it is to save your phone energy. If you know for sure that you are not going to use your phone for some time(for example, if you sleep or put the device into a pocket), there is a possibility of turning Athe lways on Display function off.
There is another important thing related to your smartphone settings. There is a possibility of conflicts between your smartphone security systems and the application.
To avoid this, go to settings and give the app permission to run on your smartphone. It will make any further problems with security impossible.
AAlways-ONAMOLED is free with ads.
Always on Display
This is another good app that will help you stay informed about the things you want to always know. It refers to time, date, notifications, calendars, and templates.
AOA Always on Display Apk The app is very flexible, you can change anything in the settings: font colours, font sizes, images, and even animation.
If you are a fan of beautiful things, if you are crazy about art, then try wallpapers. It will make your screen shine and look luxurious. There are more than 200 various themes that are available right after you downloaded the application.
Always on Display is a perfect tool for controlling the information you want to know.
You can download it from Google Play Market for free. It contains some ads but they are not too frequent to appear on your screen and, therefore, less irritating.
Always on Screen
This app can not boast of a wide range of functions, so if you wanted to try a huge toolset, Always on Screen can well disappoint you.
AOA Always on Display Download This application contains huge libraries with wallpapers and templates. Choose the ones you like and customize the app, according to your needs and tastes. It will be so comfortable to use as if it was you who created the application.
Another cool thing about this app is that it saves your battery. And you can control it in the settings of the app. It shows you the amount of energy that is being saved and the number of working hours left. Change settings to save more energy and forget about the power bank.
Another great thing is the animation. There are hundreds of them. Put it on your display to make it look cool. It won’t waste too much battery energy.
Always on Edge is free of charge. It contains a little number of ads.
- Fast startup
- Rich software and device ecosystem
- Touch screen support
- Biometric Hello login
- Strong gaming options
- Separate Settings app and legacy control panels
- Few recent major updates with Windows 11 taking over
How do MOD and Install?
- Download AOA Always on Display MOD APK
- Now install it on your program.
- After installation is complete, copy and paste the crack file
- Then paste it into an installation directory
- Done
- Enjoy full version
AOA Always on Display MOD APK Requirements
- 2 GHz Processor
- 2GB of RAM
- HDD space 800MB
- 670-MB installation space required
- Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, and also 10
- MAC OS X 10.8 or later.
This is a new app that will help you control the information that exists on your smartphone. There is several data types that you need to know at a single glance at your phone. For sure, you would like to know the time, date and at least your battery level. This information should always be available, even if the phone isn’t working at this time. AcDisplay is a great way to keep everything in order. Handle your notifications easily, without wasting time on them.
AOA Always on Display Edge Lighting will provide you with information about your notifications, clock, date, and current weather, with edge lighting and much more right on your screen without having to touch your phone or tablet.
Download (21.1 MB):